Nischal Prem Stories
Here are some short stories from "Nischal" Prem in different Social Media.
( After a long time they met )
Girl : Did you ever love me?? Why did you let me go so easily??
Boy : Because, I wanted to see you happy.
© "Nischal" Prem
May be "us" was a sweet dream, that was never gona be true in Real Life.

"Wherever I will be, You know; I will always Love you" was the last message from her.
Whenever he missed her, he looked at the message from her and console himself.
A girl was talking to her boyfriend.
Girl: "Nobody know you as much as I do, isn't it honey?"
Her boyfriend looked towards his bestfriend who was smiling listening to her words.

In the world of accurate eyeliners, lipsticks and mascara.
Find someone whose morning face you look at and compliment, "Wow! That face brightens up my day "😊💗

"I am jealous of every stars near to you" Sun Whispered to Moon.
"Whoever I am surrounded with, My heart belongs to you" Moon replied back.
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