listen and download saaya a nepali novel by Subin Bhattrai
Saaya is the sequel of Summer Love written by Subin Bhattrai. After the success of Summer Love Subin bhattrai came with this novel. Saaya has answers to the plots of novel unanswered in Summer Love. Story recited from different main characters in the Novel.
If you had read "Summer Love" by Subin Bhattrai earlier, you are aware of the many questions that were un answered in that novel. As Subin Bhattrai mentions in his interview he originally didn't have intent to come up with sequel for Summer Love but the Novel got so famous among its readers that he received many feedback about the story. Later he was come up with the story in another nepali novel and named it as "Saaya - the sequel of Summer Love". There were some questions like:
Why she Left Atit?
Where is Saaya Now?
What happen to Saaya?
What was the main reason of Saya to leave Atit?
Some of the queries were unanswered in Nepali Novel "Summer Love". Summer Love Novel is written in the dimension of Atit. So there are many suspense left till now. Some questions are there which Atit himself wanted answer.
Saaya Novel By Subin Bhattarai
In Summer Love Novel Saaya, the lady character was in hibernation. Now in Nepali Novel Saaya "The Second part of Summer Love Novel", Saaya herself tells her story which is written in the form of Novel named "SAAYA". This Nepali Novel Saaya also will arise many unanswered question about Atit and Susmita. This Novel Saaya is full of Pshychology, satire and suspense where everyone find themselves in the character. Subin Bhattarai is the writer of both Summer Love Novel and Saya (Sequel of Summer Love Novel).
समर लभमा केही कुरा थिए जो साँच्चै अधुरा थिए । अतीतको कोणबाट मात्र एकोहोरो लेखिएकाले केही कौतुहल र जिज्ञास बाँकी थिए । केही प्रश्न पनि थिए, जसले उत्तर माग्थे । र, उत्तरले सिक्वेल ।
समर लभमा मुकझैं रहेकी सायाले यस उपन्यासमा आफ्नो कथा भन्छिन्, आफ्नै शब्दमा । उनको कथाले झन् धेरै प्रश्न उब्जाउँछन्, जसको उत्तर दिन उपन्यासको कठघरामा अतीत र सुस्मिता उपस्थित हुन्छन् । र, पटाक्षेप हुन्छ प्रेमका विविध रङ्गहरू ।
मनोविज्ञान, व्यङ्ग्य र भावुकता भरिएको यो उपन्यासभित्र प्रेम गर्ने हरेकले आफैंलाई पाउनेछन् ।
श्रुति शंबेग श्रृङ्खला (SHRUTISAMBEG)
कृती : साया
लेखक : सुबिन भट्टाराई
विधा : उपन्यास
रेडियो : उज्यालो रेडियो नेटवर्क
बाचक : अच्युत घिमिरे बुलबुल
स्रोत : उज्यालो अनलान डटकम
Listen and Download Saaya Novel as audio book of novel
Episode 1
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 8
Episode 9:
Episode 11:
If you have not read the earlier novel of Subin Bhattrai - Summer Love You can download or Listen here.
Copyright Reserved with :
Novel - Saya (Sequel of Summer Love)
Writer - Subin Bhattrai
Source : Ujyaalo Radio Network
Narrated by Achyut Ghimire Bulbul
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